Simply Walls
Sometimes I put together walls and montages that have no particular
theme or story - just look good.
Some of these are designed to be used as PC wallpaper, with
room for icons and other clutter.
![](Montages/ThumbBrthShdw.jpg) |
'His brother's shadow'
'King of the Castle'
![](Montages/Thumbcastle.jpg) |
![](Montages/Thumbcastle2.jpg) |
Or should that be 'Queen'?
'Taking the Day Off'
![](Montages/ThumbDayOff.jpg) |
![](Montages/ThumbMirrorMirror.jpg) |
'Three for the price of One'
![](Montages/ThumbGabDesktop.jpg) |
![](Montages/ThumbGemini.jpg) |
'Sun in Gemini'
![](Montages/ThumbHercLJ.jpg) |
Xena Landscape
Legendary Journeys
![](Montages/ThumbHTLJ.jpg) |
![](Montages/ThumbConfidence.jpg) |
'In India'
![](Montages/ThumbInIndia.jpg) |
Son Of Zeus
'A Moment's Thought'
![](Montages/ThumbMoment.jpg) |
![](Montages/ThumbRussWall.jpg) |
Wall for Russ (1)
Wall for Russ (2)
![](Montages/ThumbRuss2.jpg) |
![](Montages/ThumbSummerDays.jpg) |
Summer Days
'Tiger's Heart'
![](Montages/ThumbTiger.jpg) |
![](Montages/ThumbRisingSon.jpg) |
'Rising Son'
(Or Zen and the art of Hercules)